Settings in this part is immutable, you have to redeploy HAProxy service to make the changes take effects
环境变量 | 默认 | 描述 | |
ADDITIONAL_BACKENDS | list of additional backends to balance. The format is `backend name, FORCE_SSL(True | False), server name, host:port, options` | |
ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | list of additional services to balance (es: prj1:web,prj2:sql ). Discovery will be based on `com.docker.compose.[project |
service]` container labels. This environment variable only works on compose v2, and the referenced services must be on a network resolvable and accessible to this containers. | |
BALANCE | roundrobin | load balancing algorithm to use. Possible values include: roundrobin , static-rr , source , leastconn . See:HAProxy:balance |
CA_CERT_FILE | the path of a ca-cert file. This allows you to mount your ca-cert file directly from a volume instead of from envvar. If set, CA_CERT envvar will be ignored. Possible value: /cacerts/cert0.pem |
CA_CERT | CA cert for haproxy to verify the client. Use the same format as DEFAULT_SSL_CERT |
CERT_FOLDER | the path of certificates. This allows you to mount your certificate files directly from a volume instead of from envvars. If set, DEFAULT_SSL_CERT and SSL_CERT from linked services are ignored. Possible value:/certs/ |
DEFAULT_SSL_CERT | Default ssl cert, a pem file content with private key followed by public certificate, '\n'(two chars) as the line separator. should be formatted as one line - see SSL Termination | ||
EXTRA_BIND_SETTINGS | comma-separated string(<port>:<setting> ) of extra settings, and each part will be appended to the related port bind section in the configuration file. To escape comma, use \, . Possible value: 443:accept-proxy, 80:name http |
EXTRA_DEFAULT_SETTINGS | comma-separated string of extra settings, and each part will be appended to DEFAULT section in the configuration file. To escape comma, use \, |
comma-separated string of extra settings, and each part will be appended frontend section with the port number specified in the name of the envvar. To escape comma, use \, . E.g. EXTRA_FRONTEND_SETTINGS_80=balance source, maxconn 2000 |
EXTRA_GLOBAL_SETTINGS | comma-separated string of extra settings, and each part will be appended to GLOBAL section in the configuration file. To escape comma, use \, . Possible value: tune.ssl.cachesize 20000, tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048 |
EXTRA_ROUTE_SETTINGS | a string which is append to the each backend route after the health check, can be over written in the linked services. Possible value: "send-proxy" | ||
EXTRA_SSL_CERTS | list of extra certificate names separated by comma, eg. CERT1, CERT2, CERT3 . You also need to specify each certificate as separate env variables like so: CERT1="<cert-body1>" , CERT2="<cert-body2>" , CERT3="<cert-body3>" |
FORCE_DEFAULT_BACKEND | True | set the default_service as a default backend. This is useful when you have more than one backend and you don't want your default_service as a default backend | |
HEALTH_CHECK | check | set health check on each backend route, possible value: "check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3". See:HAProxy:check | |
HTTP_BASIC_AUTH | a comma-separated list of credentials(<user>:<pass> ) for HTTP basic auth, which applies to all the backend routes. To escape comma, use \, . Attention: DO NOT rely on this for authentication in production |
MAXCONN | 4096 | sets the maximum per-process number of concurrent connections. | |
MODE | http | mode of load balancing for HAProxy. Possible values include: http , tcp , health |
MONITOR_PORT | the port number where monitor_uri should be added to. Use together with MONTIOR_URI . Possible value: 80 |
MONITOR_URI | the exact URI which we want to intercept to return HAProxy's health status instead of forwarding the request.See: http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.5.html#4-monitor-uri. Possible value: /ping |
OPTION | redispatch | comma-separated list of HAProxy option entries to the default section. |
RSYSLOG_DESTINATION | | the rsyslog destination to where HAProxy logs are sent | |
SKIP_FORWARDED_PROTO | If set to any value, HAProxy will not add an X-Forwarded- headers. This can be used when combining HAProxy with another load balancer | ||
SSL_BIND_CIPHERS | explicitly set which SSL ciphers will be used for the SSL server. This sets the HAProxy ssl-default-bind-ciphers configuration setting. |
SSL_BIND_OPTIONS | no-sslv3 | explicitly set which SSL bind options will be used for the SSL server. This sets the HAProxy ssl-default-bind-options configuration setting. The default will allow only TLSv1.0+ to be used on the SSL server. |
STATS_AUTH | stats:stats | username and password required to access the Haproxy stats. | |
STATS_PORT | 1936 | port for the HAProxy stats section. If this port is published, stats can be accessed at http://<host-ip>:<STATS_PORT>/ |
TIMEOUT | connect 5000, client 50000, server 50000 | comma-separated list of HAProxy timeout entries to the default section. |
NBPROC | 1 | sets the nbproc entry to the global section. By default, only one process is created, which is the recommended mode of operation. |