
Settings in this part is immutable, you have to redeploy HAProxy service to make the changes take effects

环境变量 默认 描述
ADDITIONAL_BACKENDS list of additional backends to balance. The format is `backend name, FORCE_SSL(True False), server name, host:port, options`
ADDITIONAL_SERVICES list of additional services to balance (es: prj1:web,prj2:sql). Discovery will be based on `com.docker.compose.[project service]` container labels. This environment variable only works on compose v2, and the referenced services must be on a network resolvable and accessible to this containers.
BALANCE roundrobin load balancing algorithm to use. Possible values include: roundrobin, static-rr, source, leastconn. See:HAProxy:balance
CA_CERT_FILE the path of a ca-cert file. This allows you to mount your ca-cert file directly from a volume instead of from envvar. If set, CA_CERT envvar will be ignored. Possible value: /cacerts/cert0.pem
CA_CERT CA cert for haproxy to verify the client. Use the same format as DEFAULT_SSL_CERT
CERT_FOLDER the path of certificates. This allows you to mount your certificate files directly from a volume instead of from envvars. If set, DEFAULT_SSL_CERT and SSL_CERT from linked services are ignored. Possible value:/certs/
DEFAULT_SSL_CERT Default ssl cert, a pem file content with private key followed by public certificate, '\n'(two chars) as the line separator. should be formatted as one line - see SSL Termination
EXTRA_BIND_SETTINGS comma-separated string(<port>:<setting>) of extra settings, and each part will be appended to the related port bind section in the configuration file. To escape comma, use \,. Possible value: 443:accept-proxy, 80:name http
EXTRA_DEFAULT_SETTINGS comma-separated string of extra settings, and each part will be appended to DEFAULT section in the configuration file. To escape comma, use \,
EXTRAFRONTEND_SETTINGS\ comma-separated string of extra settings, and each part will be appended frontend section with the port number specified in the name of the envvar. To escape comma, use \,. E.g. EXTRA_FRONTEND_SETTINGS_80=balance source, maxconn 2000
EXTRA_GLOBAL_SETTINGS comma-separated string of extra settings, and each part will be appended to GLOBAL section in the configuration file. To escape comma, use \,. Possible value: tune.ssl.cachesize 20000, tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
EXTRA_ROUTE_SETTINGS a string which is append to the each backend route after the health check, can be over written in the linked services. Possible value: "send-proxy"
EXTRA_SSL_CERTS list of extra certificate names separated by comma, eg. CERT1, CERT2, CERT3. You also need to specify each certificate as separate env variables like so: CERT1="<cert-body1>", CERT2="<cert-body2>", CERT3="<cert-body3>"
FORCE_DEFAULT_BACKEND True set the default_service as a default backend. This is useful when you have more than one backend and you don't want your default_service as a default backend
HEALTH_CHECK check set health check on each backend route, possible value: "check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3". See:HAProxy:check
HTTP_BASIC_AUTH a comma-separated list of credentials(<user>:<pass>) for HTTP basic auth, which applies to all the backend routes. To escape comma, use \,. Attention: DO NOT rely on this for authentication in production
MAXCONN 4096 sets the maximum per-process number of concurrent connections.
MODE http mode of load balancing for HAProxy. Possible values include: http, tcp, health
MONITOR_PORT the port number where monitor_uri should be added to. Use together with MONTIOR_URI. Possible value: 80
MONITOR_URI the exact URI which we want to intercept to return HAProxy's health status instead of forwarding the request.See: http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.5.html#4-monitor-uri. Possible value: /ping
OPTION redispatch comma-separated list of HAProxy option entries to the default section.
RSYSLOG_DESTINATION the rsyslog destination to where HAProxy logs are sent
SKIP_FORWARDED_PROTO If set to any value, HAProxy will not add an X-Forwarded- headers. This can be used when combining HAProxy with another load balancer
SSL_BIND_CIPHERS explicitly set which SSL ciphers will be used for the SSL server. This sets the HAProxy ssl-default-bind-ciphers configuration setting.
SSL_BIND_OPTIONS no-sslv3 explicitly set which SSL bind options will be used for the SSL server. This sets the HAProxy ssl-default-bind-options configuration setting. The default will allow only TLSv1.0+ to be used on the SSL server.
STATS_AUTH stats:stats username and password required to access the Haproxy stats.
STATS_PORT 1936 port for the HAProxy stats section. If this port is published, stats can be accessed at http://<host-ip>:<STATS_PORT>/
TIMEOUT connect 5000, client 50000, server 50000 comma-separated list of HAProxy timeout entries to the default section.
NBPROC 1 sets the nbproc entry to the global section. By default, only one process is created, which is the recommended mode of operation.

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