CSV and object transformer


This project provides a simple object transformation framework implementing the Node.js stream.Transform API. It was originally developed as a part of the Node.js CSV package (npm install csv) and can be used independently.

Source code for this project is available on GitHub.

  • Simple callback based API
  • Node.js stream.Transform API, pipe through it
  • synchronous versus asynchronous user callbacks
  • Accept object, array or JSON as input and output
  • Sequential or user-defined concurrent execution
  • Skip and create new records

Alter or clone input data


Run npm install csv to install the full CSV module or run npm install stream-transform if you are only interested by this package.

Use the callback style API for simplicity or the stream based API for scalability or mix the 2 APIs.


transform(handler, [options])

transform(data, [options], handler, [options], [callback])

For additionnal usage and example, you may refer to example page, the "samples" folder and the "test" folder.


Options include:

  • parallel (number) The number of transformation callbacks to run in parallel, default to "100".
  • consume (boolean) In the absence of a consumer, like a stream.Readable, trigger the consumption of the stream.

Available properties:

  • transform.running The number of transformation callback being run at a given time.
  • transform.started The number of transformation callback which have been initiated.
  • transform.running The number of transformation callback which have been executed.


The mode is defined by the signature of transformation function. It is expected to run synchronously when it declares only one argument, the data to transform. It is expected to run asynchronously when it declares two arguments, the data to transform and the callback to be called once the transformed data is ready.

In synchronous mode, you may simply return the altered data or throw an error. In asynchronous mode, you must call the provided callback with 2 arguments, the error if any and the altered data.

Using the asynchronous mode present the advantage that more than one record may be emitted per transform callback.


The transformation function may either receive arrays or objects.

If you specify the columns read option, the row argument will be provided as an object with keys matching columns names. Otherwise it will be provided as an array.


By sequential, we mean only 1 transformation function is running at a given time. By concurrent, we mean a maximum of x functions are running in parrallel. The number of running functions is defined by the "parallel" option. When set to "1", the mode is sequential, when above "1", it defines the maximum of running functions. Note, this only affect asynchronous executions.


Skipping records is easily achieved by returning null in synchonous mode or passing null to the callback handler in asynchonous mode. Generating multiple records is only supported in asynchonous mode by providing n-arguments after the error argument instead of simply one.


The data recieved inside the transformation function is the original data and is not modified nor cloned. Depending on which api you choose, it may be provided in the constructor or send to the write function. If you wish to not alter the original data, it is your responsibility to send a new data in your transformation function instead of the original modified data.