Sub-documents are docs with schemas of their own which are elements of a parents document array:
var childSchema = new Schema({ name: 'string' });
var parentSchema = new Schema({
children: [childSchema]
Sub-documents enjoy all the same features as normal documents. The only difference is that they are not saved individually, they are saved whenever their top-level parent document is saved.
var Parent = mongoose.model('Parent', parentSchema);
var parent = new Parent({ children: [{ name: 'Matt' }, { name: 'Sarah' }] })
parent.children[0].name = 'Matthew';
If an error occurs in a sub-documents' middleware, it is bubbled up to the save() callback of the parent, so error handling is a snap!
childSchema.pre('save', function (next) {
if ('invalid' == this.name) return next(new Error('#sadpanda'));
var parent = new Parent({ children: [{ name: 'invalid' }] });
parent.save(function (err) {
console.log(err.message) // #sadpanda
Finding a sub-document
Each document has an _id. DocumentArrays have a special id method for looking up a document by its _id.
var doc = parent.children.id(id);
Adding sub-docs
MongooseArray methods such as push, unshift, addToSet, and others cast arguments to their proper types transparently:
var Parent = mongoose.model('Parent');
var parent = new Parent;
// create a comment
parent.children.push({ name: 'Liesl' });
var subdoc = parent.children[0];
console.log(subdoc) // { _id: '501d86090d371bab2c0341c5', name: 'Liesl' }
subdoc.isNew; // true
parent.save(function (err) {
if (err) return handleError(err)
Sub-docs may also be created without adding them to the array by using the create method of MongooseArrays.
var newdoc = parent.children.create({ name: 'Aaron' });
Removing docs
Each sub-document has it's own remove method.
var doc = parent.children.id(id).remove();
parent.save(function (err) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
console.log('the sub-doc was removed')
Alternate declaration syntax
New in v3 If you don't need access to the sub-document schema instance, you may also declare sub-docs by simply passing an object literal:
var parentSchema = new Schema({
children: [{ name: 'string' }]
Next Up
Now that we've covered Sub-documents, let's take a look at querying.