类: tls.Server

This class is a subclass of net.Server and has the same methods on it. Instead of accepting only raw TCP connections, this accepts encrypted connections using TLS or SSL.

Event: 'tlsClientError'

function (exception, tlsSocket) { }

When a client connection emits an 'error' event before a secure connection is established it will be forwarded here.

tlsSocket is the [tls.TLSSocket][] that the error originated from.

Event: 'newSession'

function (sessionId, sessionData, callback) { }

Emitted on creation of a TLS session. May be used to store sessions in external storage. callback must be invoked eventually, otherwise no data will be sent or received from the secure connection.

NOTE: adding this event listener will only have an effect on connections established after the addition of the event listener.

Event: 'OCSPRequest'

function (certificate, issuer, callback) { }

Emitted when the client sends a certificate status request. The server's current certificate can be parsed to obtain the OCSP URL and certificate ID; after obtaining an OCSP response callback(null, resp) is then invoked, where resp is a Buffer instance. Both certificate and issuer are Buffer DER-representations of the primary and issuer's certificates. They can be used to obtain the OCSP certificate ID and OCSP endpoint URL.

Alternatively, callback(null, null) may be called, meaning that there was no OCSP response.

Calling callback(err) will result in a socket.destroy(err) call.

Typical flow:

  1. Client connects to the server and sends an 'OCSPRequest' to it (via status info extension in ClientHello).
  2. Server receives the request and invokes the 'OCSPRequest' event listener if present.
  3. Server extracts the OCSP URL from either the certificate or issuer and performs an [OCSP request] to the CA.
  4. Server receives OCSPResponse from the CA and sends it back to the client via the callback argument
  5. Client validates the response and either destroys the socket or performs a handshake.

NOTE: issuer could be null if the certificate is self-signed or if the issuer is not in the root certificates list. (An issuer may be provided via the ca option.)

NOTE: adding this event listener will only have an effect on connections established after the addition of the event listener.

NOTE: An npm module like [asn1.js] may be used to parse the certificates.

Event: 'resumeSession'

function (sessionId, callback) { }

Emitted when the client wants to resume the previous TLS session. The event listener may perform a lookup in external storage using the given sessionId and invoke callback(null, sessionData) once finished. If the session can't be resumed (i.e., doesn't exist in storage) one may call callback(null, null). Calling callback(err) will terminate incoming connection and destroy the socket.

NOTE: adding this event listener will only have an effect on connections established after the addition of the event listener.

Here's an example for using TLS session resumption:

var tlsSessionStore = {};
server.on('newSession', (id, data, cb) => {
  tlsSessionStore[id.toString('hex')] = data;
server.on('resumeSession', (id, cb) => {
  cb(null, tlsSessionStore[id.toString('hex')] || null);

Event: 'secureConnection'

function (tlsSocket) {}

This event is emitted after the handshaking process for a new connection has successfully completed. The argument is an instance of [tls.TLSSocket][] and has all the common stream methods and events.

socket.authorized is a boolean value which indicates if the client has been verified by one of the supplied certificate authorities for the server. If socket.authorized is false, then socket.authorizationError is set to describe how authorization failed. Implied but worth mentioning: depending on the settings of the TLS server, unauthorized connections may be accepted.

socket.npnProtocol is a string containing the selected NPN protocol and socket.alpnProtocol is a string containing the selected ALPN protocol. When both NPN and ALPN extensions are received, ALPN takes precedence over NPN and the next protocol is selected by ALPN. When ALPN has no selected protocol, this returns false.

socket.servername is a string containing the server name requested with SNI.

server.addContext(hostname, context)

Add secure context that will be used if the client request's SNI hostname matches the supplied hostname (wildcards can be used). context can contain key, cert, ca or any other properties from [tls.createSecureContext()][] options argument.


Returns the bound address, the address family name, and port of the server as reported by the operating system. See [net.Server.address()][] for more information.


Stops the server from accepting new connections. This function is asynchronous, the server is finally closed when the server emits a 'close' event. Optionally, you can pass a callback to listen for the 'close' event.


The number of concurrent connections on the server.


Returns a Buffer instance holding the keys currently used for encryption/decryption of the [TLS Session Tickets][]

server.listen(port[, hostname][, callback])

Begin accepting connections on the specified port and hostname. If the hostname is omitted, the server will accept connections on any IPv6 address (::) when IPv6 is available, or any IPv4 address ( otherwise. A port value of zero will assign a random port.

This function is asynchronous. The last parameter callback will be called when the server has been bound.

See net.Server for more information.


Updates the keys for encryption/decryption of the [TLS Session Tickets][].

NOTE: the buffer should be 48 bytes long. See ticketKeys option in tls.createServer for more information on how it is used.

NOTE: the change is effective only for future server connections. Existing or currently pending server connections will use the previous keys.


Set this property to reject connections when the server's connection count exceeds the specified threshold.