
PM2 embed a simple and powerful deployment system with revision tracing. It's based on https://github.com/visionmedia/deploy

A step-by-step tutorial is available here : Deploy and Iterate faster with PM2 deploy

Please read the Considerations to use PM2 deploy

1- Generate a sample ecosystem.json file that list processes and deployment environment

$ pm2 ecosystem

In the current folder a ecosystem.json file will be created. It contains this:

  "apps" : [{
    "name"      : "API",
    "script"    : "app.js",
    "env": {
      "COMMON_VARIABLE": "true"
    "env_production" : {
      "NODE_ENV": "production"
    "name"      : "WEB",
    "script"    : "web.js"
  "deploy" : {
    "production" : {
      "user" : "node",
      "host" : "",
      "ref"  : "origin/master",
      "repo" : "[email protected]:repo.git",
      "path" : "/var/www/production",
      "post-deploy" : "pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.json --env production"
    "dev" : {
      "user" : "node",
      "host" : "",
      "ref"  : "origin/master",
      "repo" : "[email protected]:repo.git",
      "path" : "/var/www/development",
      "post-deploy" : "pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.json --env dev",
      "env"  : {
        "NODE_ENV": "dev"

Edit the file according to your needs.

2- Be sure that you have the public ssh key on your local machine

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
$ ssh-copy-id [email protected]

3- Now initialize the remote folder with:

$ pm2 deploy <configuration_file> <environment> setup


$ pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production setup

This command will create all the folders on your remote server.

4- Deploy your code

$ pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production

Now your code will be populated, installed and started with PM2