React Starter Kit — "isomorphic" web app boilerplate

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React Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development built on top of Facebook's React library, Node.js / Express server and Flux architecture. Containing modern web development tools such as Webpack, Babel and BrowserSync. Helping you to stay productive following the best practices. A solid starting point for both professionals and newcomers to the industry.

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Getting Started

Directory Layout

├── /build/                     # 编译输出文件夹
├── /docs/                      # 项目文档
├── /node_modules/              # 第三方库和工具
├── /src/                       # 应用源码
│   ├── /actions/               # Action creators that allow to trigger a dispatch to stores
│   ├── /api/                   # REST API / Relay endpoints
│   ├── /components/            # React 组件
│   ├── /constants/             # 常量 (action types etc.)
│   ├── /content/               # 静态内容 (plain HTML or Markdown, Jade, you name it)
│   ├── /core/                  # 核心框架和工具函数
│   ├── /decorators/            # Higher-order React components
│   ├── /public/                # 拷贝到 /build/public 文件夹的静态文件
│   ├── /stores/                # 储存 contain the application state and logic
│   ├── /client.js              # 客户端启动脚本
│   ├── /config.js              # 全局应用设置
│   ├── /routes.js              # Universal (isomorphic) 应用路由
│   └── /server.js              # 服务器端启动脚本
├── /tools/                     # 创建自动化脚本和工具
│   ├── /lib/                   # 实用代码片段库
│   ├── /build.js               # 从源码创建项目到输出目录
│   ├── /bundle.js              # Bundles the web resources into package(s) through Webpack
│   ├── /clean.js               # Cleans up the output (build) folder
│   ├── /copy.js                # 拷贝静态文件到输出目录
│   ├── /deploy.js              # 不熟您的web应用
│   ├── /run.js                 # Helper function for running build automation tasks
│   ├── /runServer.js           # 启动或者重启 Node.js 服务器
│   ├── /start.js               # 启动开发模式web服务器带 "live reload"
│   └── /webpack.config.js      # 配置客户端和服务器端的bundles
│── package.json                # The list of 3rd party libraries and utilities
└── preprocessor.js             # ES6 transpiler settings for Jest

Learn More


  • #react-starter-kit on Gitter — Feedback, feature requests, Q&A
  • @koistya on Codementor — Mentorship, pair coding, code reviews
  • [email protected] — Customization requests, help with GraphQL/Relay, database design etc.


Copyright © 2014-2016 Kriasoft, LLC. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE.txt file. The documentation to the project is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Made with ♥ by Konstantin Tarkus (@koistya) and contributors