
You can configure this in either the config or the run method. If your configurations don't need any other services, then I'd recommend you do them in the config. If your configurations depend on other services, you can configure them in the run using Restangular instead of RestangularProvider

config 里配置

app.config(function(RestangularProvider) {
    RestangularProvider.setResponseExtractor(function(response, operation) {
        return response.data;

    RestangularProvider.addElementTransformer('accounts', false, function(element) {
       element.accountName = 'Changed';
       return element;

    RestangularProvider.setDefaultHttpFields({cache: true});
    RestangularProvider.setMethodOverriders(["put", "patch"]);

    // In this case we are mapping the id of each element to the _id field.
    // We also change the Restangular route.
    // The default value for parentResource remains the same.
      id: "_id",
      route: "restangularRoute",
      selfLink: "self.href"


    // Use Request interceptor
    RestangularProvider.setRequestInterceptor(function(element, operation, route, url) {
      delete element.name;
      return element;

    // ..or use the full request interceptor, setRequestInterceptor's more powerful brother!
    RestangularProvider.setFullRequestInterceptor(function(element, operation, route, url, headers, params, httpConfig) {
      delete element.name;
      return {
        element: element,
        params: _.extend(params, {single: true}),
        headers: headers,
        httpConfig: httpConfig


run 里配置

// Here I inject the service BaseUrlCalculator which I need
app.run(function(Restangular, BaseUrlCalculator) {