Define session stickiness on an existing application cookie.

可用段落 :

defaults frontend listen backend

参数 :

  • <cookie> this is the name of the cookie used by the application and which HAProxy will have to learn for each new session.

  • <length> this is the max number of characters that will be memorized and checked in each cookie value.

  • <holdtime> this is the time after which the cookie will be removed from memory if unused. If no unit is specified, this time is in milliseconds.

  • request-learn

    If this option is specified, then haproxy will be able to learn the cookie found in the request in case the server does not specify any in response. This is typically what happens with PHPSESSID cookies, or when haproxy's session expires before the application's session and the correct server is selected.
    It is recommended to specify this option to improve reliability.

  • prefix

    When this option is specified, haproxy will match on the cookie prefix (or URL parameter prefix). The appsession value is the data following this prefix.

    Example :

    appsession ASPSESSIONID len 64 timeout 3h prefix

    This will match the cookie SPSESSIONIDXXXX=XXXXX, the appsession value will be XXXX=XXXXX.

  • mode

    This option allows to change the URL parser mode.

    2 modes are currently supported :

    • path-parameters :

      The parser looks for the appsession in the path parameters part (each parameter is separated by a semi-colon), which is convenient for JSESSIONID for example. This is the default mode if the option is not set.

    • query-string :

      In this mode, the parser will look for the appsession in the query string.

As of version 1.6, appsessions was removed. It is more flexible and more convenient to use stick-tables instead, and stick-tables support multi-master replication and data conservation across reloads, which appsessions did not.

See also : "cookie", "capture cookie", "balance", "stick", "stick-table", "ignore-persist", "nbproc" and "bind-process".

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