hash-balance-factor Specify the balancing factor for bounded-load consistent hashing May be used in sections :

defaults frontend listen backend yes yes no no no no yes yes Arguments :

is the control for the maximum number of concurrent requests to send to a server, expressed as a percentage of the average number of concurrent requests across all of the active servers.

Specifying a "hash-balance-factor" for a server with "hash-type consistent" enables an algorithm that prevents any one server from getting too many requests at once, even if some hash buckets receive many more requests than others. Setting to 0 (the default) disables the feature. Otherwise, is a percentage greater than 100. For example, if is 150, then no server will be allowed to have a load more than 1.5 times the average. If server weights are used, they will be respected.

If the first-choice server is disqualified, the algorithm will choose another server based on the request hash, until a server with additional capacity is found. A higher allows more imbalance between the servers, while a lower means that more servers will be checked on average, affecting performance. Reasonable values are from 125 to 200. See also : "balance" and "hash-type".

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