Enable cookie-based persistence in a backend.

May be used in sections :

defaults frontend listen backend yes yes no no yes yes yes yes

Arguments :

<name> is the name of the cookie which will be monitored, modified or inserted in order to bring persistence. This cookie is sent to the client via a "Set-Cookie" header in the response, and is brought back by the client in a "Cookie" header in all requests. Special care should be taken to choose a name which does not conflict with any likely application cookie. Also, if the same backends are subject to be used by the same clients (eg: HTTP/HTTPS), care should be taken to use different cookie names between all backends if persistence between them is not desired.

rewrite This keyword indicates that the cookie will be provided by the server and that haproxy will have to modify its value to set the server's identifier in it. This mode is handy when the management of complex combinations of "Set-cookie" and "Cache-control" headers is left to the application. The application can then decide whether or not it is appropriate to emit a persistence cookie. Since all responses should be monitored, this mode doesn't work in HTTP tunnel mode. Unless the application behaviour is very complex and/or broken, it is advised not to start with this mode for new deployments. This keyword is incompatible with "insert" and "prefix".

insert This keyword indicates that the persistence cookie will have to be inserted by haproxy in server responses if the client did not already have a cookie that would have permitted it to access this server. When used without the "preserve" option, if the server emits a cookie with the same name, it will be remove before processing. For this reason, this mode can be used to upgrade existing configurations running in the "rewrite" mode. The cookie will only be a session cookie and will not be stored on the client's disk. By default, unless the "indirect" option is added, the server will see the cookies emitted by the client. Due to caching effects, it is generally wise to add the "nocache" or "postonly" keywords (see below). The "insert" keyword is not compatible with "rewrite" and "prefix".

prefix This keyword indicates that instead of relying on a dedicated cookie for the persistence, an existing one will be completed. This may be needed in some specific environments where the client does not support more than one single cookie and the application already needs it. In this case, whenever the server sets a cookie named , it will be prefixed with the server's identifier and a delimiter. The prefix will be removed from all client requests so that the server still finds the cookie it emitted. Since all requests and responses are subject to being modified, this mode doesn't work with tunnel mode. The "prefix" keyword is not compatible with "rewrite" and "insert". Note: it is highly recommended not to use "indirect" with "prefix", otherwise server cookie updates would not be sent to clients.

indirect When this option is specified, no cookie will be emitted to a client which already has a valid one for the server which has processed the request. If the server sets such a cookie itself, it will be removed, unless the "preserve" option is also set. In "insert" mode, this will additionally remove cookies from the requests transmitted to the server, making the persistence mechanism totally transparent from an application point of view. Note: it is highly recommended not to use "indirect" with "prefix", otherwise server cookie updates would not be sent to clients.

nocache This option is recommended in conjunction with the insert mode when there is a cache between the client and HAProxy, as it ensures that a cacheable response will be tagged non-cacheable if a cookie needs to be inserted. This is important because if all persistence cookies are added on a cacheable home page for instance, then all customers will then fetch the page from an outer cache and will all share the same persistence cookie, leading to one server receiving much more traffic than others. See also the "insert" and "postonly" options.

postonly This option ensures that cookie insertion will only be performed on responses to POST requests. It is an alternative to the "nocache" option, because POST responses are not cacheable, so this ensures that the persistence cookie will never get cached. Since most sites do not need any sort of persistence before the first POST which generally is a login request, this is a very efficient method to optimize caching without risking to find a persistence cookie in the cache. See also the "insert" and "nocache" options.

preserve This option may only be used with "insert" and/or "indirect". It allows the server to emit the persistence cookie itself. In this case, if a cookie is found in the response, haproxy will leave it untouched. This is useful in order to end persistence after a logout request for instance. For this, the server just has to emit a cookie with an invalid value (eg: empty) or with a date in the past. By combining this mechanism with the "disable-on-404" check option, it is possible to perform a completely graceful shutdown because users will definitely leave the server after they logout.

httponly This option tells haproxy to add an "HttpOnly" cookie attribute when a cookie is inserted. This attribute is used so that a user agent doesn't share the cookie with non-HTTP components. Please check RFC6265 for more information on this attribute.

secure This option tells haproxy to add a "Secure" cookie attribute when a cookie is inserted. This attribute is used so that a user agent never emits this cookie over non-secure channels, which means that a cookie learned with this flag will be presented only over SSL/TLS connections. Please check RFC6265 for more information on this attribute.

domain This option allows to specify the domain at which a cookie is inserted. It requires exactly one parameter: a valid domain name. If the domain begins with a dot, the browser is allowed to use it for any host ending with that name. It is also possible to specify several domain names by invoking this option multiple times. Some browsers might have small limits on the number of domains, so be careful when doing that. For the record, sending 10 domains to MSIE 6 or Firefox 2 works as expected.

maxidle This option allows inserted cookies to be ignored after some idle time. It only works with insert-mode cookies. When a cookie is sent to the client, the date this cookie was emitted is sent too. Upon further presentations of this cookie, if the date is older than the delay indicated by the parameter (in seconds), it will be ignored. Otherwise, it will be refreshed if needed when the response is sent to the client. This is particularly useful to prevent users who never close their browsers from remaining for too long on the same server (eg: after a farm size change). When this option is set and a cookie has no date, it is always accepted, but gets refreshed in the response. This maintains the ability for admins to access their sites. Cookies that have a date in the future further than 24 hours are ignored. Doing so lets admins fix timezone issues without risking kicking users off the site.

maxlife This option allows inserted cookies to be ignored after some life time, whether they're in use or not. It only works with insert mode cookies. When a cookie is first sent to the client, the date this cookie was emitted is sent too. Upon further presentations of this cookie, if the date is older than the delay indicated by the parameter (in seconds), it will be ignored. If the cookie in the request has no date, it is accepted and a date will be set. Cookies that have a date in the future further than 24 hours are ignored. Doing so lets admins fix timezone issues without risking kicking users off the site. Contrary to maxidle, this value is not refreshed, only the first visit date counts. Both maxidle and maxlife may be used at the time. This is particularly useful to prevent users who never close their browsers from remaining for too long on the same server (eg: after a farm size change). This is stronger than the maxidle method in that it forces a redispatch after some absolute delay.

There can be only one persistence cookie per HTTP backend, and it can be declared in a defaults section. The value of the cookie will be the value indicated after the "cookie" keyword in a "server" statement. If no cookie is declared for a given server, the cookie is not set.

Examples :

cookie JSESSIONID prefix
cookie SRV insert indirect nocache
cookie SRV insert postonly indirect
cookie SRV insert indirect nocache maxidle 30m maxlife 8h

See also : "balance source", "capture cookie", "server" and "ignore-persist".

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