Scopes are like namespaces for npm modules. If a package's name begins with @, then it is a scoped package. The scope is everything in between the @ and the slash.
Each npm user has their own scope.
You can find more in depth information about scopes in the CLI documentation.
You need a version of npm greater than 2.7.0, and you'll need to log in to npm again on the command line if this is your first time using scoped modules.
sudo npm install -g npm
npm login
为了创建范围包, you simply use a package name that starts with your scope.
"name": "@username/project-name"
If you use npm init, you can add your scope as an option to that command.
npm init --scope=username
If you use the same scope all the time, you will probably want to set this option in your ~/.npmrc file.
npm config set scope username
Scoped packages are private by default. To publish private modules, you need to be a paid private modules user.
However, public scoped modules are free and don't require a paid subscription. To publish a public scoped module, set the access option when publishing it. This option will remain set for all subsequent publishes.
npm publish --access=public
To use a scoped package, you simply include the scope wherever you use the package name.
In package.json:
"dependencies": {
"@username/project-name": "^1.0.0"
On the command line:
npm install @username/project-name --save
In a require statement:
var projectName = require("@username/project-name")
For information about using scoped private modules, visit npmjs.com/private-modules.