GitHub integration

If your organization uses GitHub or GitHub Enterprise, npmE can be configured to automatically use them for login and access control. Simply add a repository field to your package.json that points to your repo:

{ .. "repository": { "url": "git://" } } Depending on your configuration, npmE can restrict installation of your package to users who have access to the repo for that package, and restrict publishing of that package to users who have commit access to the repo.

npmE uses OAuth to interact with GitHub, and will support any other OAuth2 providers. A standalone solution for authentication and authorization is coming soon.

Logging in with two-factor authentication

If you use two-factor authentication for your GitHub account, you will need to manually generate a token and add it to your ~/.npmrc file.

Visit to create a new "Personal access token". Use a descriptive name for your token, like "myco npmE" Leave the default scopes as they are. Click "Generate Token" and you'll be redirected to a new page that displays your token. Copy the token right away, as it will only be displayed on screen once. Copy the token and paste it into the bottom of your ~/.npmrc file: @myco:registry= // Note: you do not need to run npm login if you set up two-factor authentication this way.