
We take notices of potential copyright infringement seriously. If a user or other party has alleged that material on the npm website is infringing a copyright of such party or another third-party, the notice should be forwarded immediately to [email protected], who will work with legal counsel to resolve the dispute. If legal determines the notice satisfies all requirements under the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act, then access to the allegedly infringing material must be promptly removed or disabled. We will then make a good faith effort to give notice of the claimed infringement to the user that posted the allegedly infringing material.

How to Report Infringement

We respect the intellectual property of others and ask that you do too. If you believe any package or other materials available through the Service violates a copyright held by you and you would like to submit a notice pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or other similar international law, you can submit a notice to our agent for service of notice at:

Abuse Team npm, Inc. 1999 Harrison St, Ste 1150 Oakland CA 94612 USA +1-510-858-7608 [email protected]

Please make sure your notice meets the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requirements.

Please note that a copy of each legal notice we receive is also sent to Chilling Effects for publication (with any user's personal information removed).

How npm Responds to Notices

If the posting user objects to removal of the material, such user may file a counter notice. If we receive a counter notice from such user meeting the requirements of the DMCA, we will use good faith efforts to notify the complainant of such counter notice reinstate access to the material within 10-14 business days unless the complainant notifies us that it has filed a lawsuit against the allegedly infringing user. If we do not receive a counter notifice from such user within 10 business days of giving notice of the claimed infringement, we reserve the right to permanently delete the material at issue.

We will terminate the accounts of users who are repeat infringers. Note, npm cannot provide legal advice to users (whether making a complaint or defending against a complaint), and we should ask users with legal questions to seek an attorney.