Coercing Variable Values

If the operation has defined any variables, then the values for those variables need to be coerced using the input coercion rules of variable’s declared type. If a query error is encountered during input coercion of variable values, then the operation fails without execution.









  1. Let coercedValues be an empty unordered Map.
  2. Let variableDefinitions be the variables defined by operation .
  3. For each variableDefinition in variableDefinitions :
    1. Let variableName be the name of variableDefinition .
    2. Let variableType be the expected type of variableDefinition .
    3. Let defaultValue be the default value for variableDefinition .
    4. Let value be the value provided in variableValues for the name variableName .
    5. If value does not exist (was not provided in variableValues ):
      1. If defaultValue exists (including null ):
        1. Add an entry to coercedValues named variableName with the value defaultValue .
      2. Otherwise if variableType is a Non‐Nullable type, throw a query error.
      3. Otherwise, continue to the next variable definition.
    6. Otherwise, if value cannot be coerced according to the input coercion rules of variableType , throw a query error.
    7. Let coercedValue be the result of coercing value according to the input coercion rules of variableType .
    8. Add an entry to coercedValues named variableName with the value coercedValue .
  4. Return coercedValues .

This algorithm is very similar to




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    No results matching ""