Executing Requests

To execute a request, the executor must have a parsedDocument(as defined in the “Query Language” part of this spec) and a selected operation name to run if the document defines multiple operations, otherwise the document is expected to only contain a single operation. The result of the request is determined by the result of executing this operation according to the “Executing Operations” section below.













  1. Let operation be the result of GetOperation ( document , operationName ) .
  2. Let coercedVariableValues be the result of CoerceVariableValues ( schema , operation , variableValues ) .
  3. If operation is a query operation:
    1. Return ExecuteQuery ( operation , schema , coercedVariableValues , initialValue ) .
  4. Otherwise if operation is a mutation operation:
    1. Return ExecuteMutation ( operation , schema , coercedVariableValues , initialValue ) .







  1. If operationName is null :
    1. If document contains exactly one operation.
      1. Return the Operation contained in the document .
    2. Otherwise produce a query error requiring operationName .
  2. Otherwise:
    1. Let operation be the Operation named operationName in document .
    2. If operation was not found, produce a query error.
    3. Return operation .

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