
GraphQL does not just verify if a request is syntactically correct, but also ensures that it is unambiguous and mistake‐free in the context of a given GraphQL schema.

An invalid request is still technically executable, and will always produce a stable result as defined by the procedures in the Execution section, however that result may be ambiguous, surprising, or unexpected relative to the request containing validation errors, so execution should not occur for invalid requests.

Typically validation is performed in the context of a request immediately before execution, however a GraphQL service may execute a request without explicitly validating it if that exact same request is known to have been validated before. For example: the request may be validated during development, provided it does not later change, or a service may validate a request once and memoize the result to avoid validating the same request again in the future. Any client‐side or development‐time tool should report validation errors and not allow the formulation or execution of requests known to be invalid at that given point in time.

Type system evolution

As GraphQL type system schema evolve over time by adding new types and new fields, it is possible that a request which was previously valid could later become invalid. Any change that can cause a previously valid request to become invalid is considered abreaking change. GraphQL services and schema maintainers are encouraged to avoid breaking changes, however in order to be more resilient to these breaking changes, sophisticated GraphQL systems may still allow for the execution of requests which_at some point_were known to be free of any validation errors, and have not changed since.


For this section of this schema, we will assume the following type system in order to demonstrate examples:

enum DogCommand { SIT, DOWN, HEEL }

type Dog implements Pet {
  name: String!
  nickname: String
  barkVolume: Int
  doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: DogCommand!): Boolean!
  isHousetrained(atOtherHomes: Boolean): Boolean!
  owner: Human

interface Sentient {
  name: String!

interface Pet {
  name: String!

type Alien implements Sentient {
  name: String!
  homePlanet: String

type Human implements Sentient {
  name: String!

enum CatCommand { JUMP }

type Cat implements Pet {
  name: String!
  nickname: String
  doesKnowCommand(catCommand: CatCommand!): Boolean!
  meowVolume: Int

union CatOrDog = Cat | Dog
union DogOrHuman = Dog | Human
union HumanOrAlien = Human | Alien

type QueryRoot {
  dog: Dog

results matching ""

    No results matching ""