Value Resolution

While nearly all of GraphQL execution can be described generically, ultimately the internal system exposing the GraphQL interface must provide values. This is exposed viaResolveFieldValue, which produces a value for a given field on a type for a real value.

As an example, this might accept theobjectTypePerson, thefield"soulMate", and theobjectValuerepresenting John Lennon. It would be expected to yield the value representing Yoko Ono.











  1. Let resolver be the internal function provided by objectType for determining the resolved value of a field named fieldName .
  2. Return the result of calling resolver , providing objectValue and argumentValues .

It is common for


to be asynchronous due to relying on reading an underlying database or networked service to produce a value. This necessitates the rest of a GraphQL executor to handle an asynchronous execution flow.

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